The violent English Defence League (EDL) are protesting against Islam on Saturday in Hanley. The EDL is a collection of football hooligans who bring violence to our streets. Many of their supporters are also involved in the BNP. They seek to divide our communities - to criticise and complain rather than strengthen our society.
I've just signed a letter to the Stoke Sentinel which contains a simple message: we reject the EDL's hate, we reject their fear and we stand together against their intimidation.
If you would like to sign it, just go to:
We need to send the message that the EDL do not represent us - and that we stand together for hope.
In 2010 the BNP is pressing to win control of Barking & Dagenham council and become the largest single party on Stoke-on-Trent council. In additon, they will be pushing hard for the parliamentary seat in Barking and dozens of council wards across the country. They already hold political power in thsi country and have two seats in the European paliament. This could be yeat another year of increased membership and more involvement with these parties, which leads to more racial tensions, more hatred and more attacks.
But we can stop them, and the EDL. There are always peacful counter protests to attend, petitions to sign, campaigning to be done, messages of hope and equality to be spread. I urge people to take part in these efforts to preserve and intensify our society based on good, equal values.
Term Three Report
Vice President Student Activities and Development - Emma Packham
Term Three Report
01/05/10 – 30/07/10
Key Campaigns and Projects
Vote for Students
No soo...
14 years ago